7 House Plants You Probably Won’t Kill

Blog | March 30th, 2020

Keeping your plants alive shouldn’t be a struggle, especially when they live in the comfort and shelter of your home! However, some plants are susceptible to light, water, soil conditions, and even air quality.

You can turn your black thumb green by keeping a few of these plants around the house. They’re not temperamental, and some can even improve the air in your home!

1. Cast Iron Plant

This robust plant earned its name by surviving some of the worst conditions imaginable. The leaves are also shaped like fat, pointy swords. It’s a fern-like plant that grows from a central clump of soil. If you prefer low-lit housing, this plant may be the right one for you.

The cast iron plant can survive low light conditions just fine. Overall, it is one of the hardiest plants in the world, and it’s sure to enjoy life in your home.

2. Aloe

Aloe plants are great to have around. The sticky, cooling gel they produce can help treat sunburns, skin abrasions, acne, skin inflammation, heartburn, constipation, and even diabetes sufferers. 

It requires indirect light and makes a perfect addition to a patio or backyard space. It’s a beautiful plant with dense, soft succulent leaves full of aloe gel. This plant can grow for years in the same pot or container before needing to be transplanted to a larger home.

3. Snake Plant

The snake plant has many names. It’s also called mother-in-law’s tongue or ribbon plant. Mostly, it grows as thick, twisting ribbon-like leaves that shoot straight upwards from the soil. The leaves aren’t porous, but instead, they have the consistency of wax!

This might not be a plant that’s suitable to over-attentive gardeners, as it does best when it’s ignored for long periods of time. If you do go crazy with the over-watering, it may begin to rot. However, for those of you who often forget to water the plants, the snake plant may be the perfect plant for your home! 

In addition to its dry-loving lifestyle, the snake plant also reduces the number of airborne toxins and chemicals in your home’s air. It is known to absorb carbon monoxide, benzene, formaldehyde, and more. Also, it replaces these awful poisons with fresh, invigorating oxygen! You can get much better than a self-sufficient plant that wants to be left alone and clean your home.

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4. Peace Lily

The peace lily is best suited to warm, humid environments. If you live in a consistently cold climate, this delicate-looking plant may not thrive. However, if you have a heated home or live in a subtropical region, the peace lily will reveal some remarkably vibrant white flowers.

Unlike other types of lilies, the peace lily isn’t nearly as toxic to animals, making it a favorite for homes with cats and dogs about. However, it is essential to keep an eye on your critters and your plants to keep them all healthy and happy.

5. Christmas Cactus

The Christmas cactus will remind you that the holidays are coming by revealing red and pink flowers in the early winter months. It can survive in both bright and low light environments, though you’ll get more flowers by placing it on a sunny ledge than sticking it in a basement.

However, to get it to bloom in the first place, you’ll — somewhat ironically — need it to be surrounded by darkness for at least twelve hours a day. It will also have to be cold during this time, and temperatures should never rise above 55℉.

6. Spider Plant

Though the spider plant may have a creepy-crawly name, it’s quite a pleasant little plant. Its name only comes from the fact that the leaves branch off from the main stem kind of like spider legs. It grows well in indoor environments and reproduces often.

One of the most amazing things about this plant is how well it cleans the air in your home. The spider plant is one of the most effective and efficient oxygen producers and can remove carbon dioxide, formaldehyde, and xylene from the air. Not only will you be unable to kill this plant, but it will help you to live longer!

7. Rubber Plant

The rubber plant, also known as Ficus elastica robusta, has large, waxy leaves that are reminiscent of most banana plants. It tolerates extended periods of dryness, thriving in the moisture-less periods between waterings. It can survive high-light environments and low-light environments, making it one of the most adaptive house plants in the world. 

These plants also absorb chemicals and toxins in the air to improve the air quality in a home. Because of their attractive looks, adaptability and survival, and air-cleaning qualities, they are one of the most popular options for both residential and commercial buildings. There’s nothing wrong with getting a big, beautiful ficus!

Have the Green Thumb You’ve Always Wanted

Don’t let a few failures get you down — some plants just aren’t made for life indoors. These plants, on the other hand, will thrive in your home and provide you with a few extra benefits. Some are excellent pain relievers, and some produce an abundance of oxygen.

But more than anything, these plants are likely to survive even the most careless household botanist. They’re hardy survivalists. Be sure to choose a species that is non-toxic to your pets, and that fits your preferences and needs!

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