7 School Shopping Tips For Families On A Budget

Blog | August 6th, 2018

7 School Shopping Tips For Families On A Budget

Whether you’re ready or not, your child’s school will be back in session soon. Summer is ending and that means there are back-to-school sales at every major retailer. That also means your family has a long list of supplies that they’ll need before that school bell rings. But don’t be tricked by every flashy sale. With millions of students heading back to school at once, the best savings can be harder to find.

True budget shoppers will need to work a little harder to save more than the average consumer. But don’t worry! That’s why we put together these tips.

Compare, Compare, Compare

Like most major holidays, retailers will be trying to get you to shop with them for all of your back-to-school needs. That doesn’t mean you should sacrifice savings for convenience. Compare sales to see which stores offer the best deals on specific items. You may end up going to different stores to get the best prices, but the savings are worth it!

Involve Your Kids

Don’t forget that your kids can play a part in your back-to-school savings! Let your little ones look through ads, and give them a chance to learn money management while they pick out their supplies for the school year. Reward them when they compare prices and make frugal decisions at the store. You’re also more likely to get supplies that they’ll enjoy using if they pick stuff themselves!

Buy In Bulk

Did you know that school supplies are some of the easiest items to store and organize? Take advantage of this by purchasing larger sets of supplies that you can use over the course of your child’s educational journey. Membership-only warehouse clubs like Costco and Sam’s Club are a great place to pick up large quantities of supplies that will lower your overall budget.

Find Long-Term Value

Many school lists nowadays involve big-ticket items such as art sets, tablets and even laptops! Replacing these items every year will quickly erode your bank account. Spend time researching and finding items that will meet your child’s needs for more than a year at a time. Pay special attention to the look and feel of these items, so your child doesn’t tire of using cheap-looking tech for years to come.


Plan For Growth

Every year, your child is growing, which means plenty of time in the clothing section for your family. Many stores will offer BOGO sales, or opportunities to save on buying multiple pieces of clothing, and this is where your child’s growth doesn’t need to hurt your wallet. Find items your child enjoys wearing and use these sales to buy the next size up as well! This is especially useful for shoes, which can be quite expensive and hard to buy second-hand. Plus, you’ll always be ready when your child outgrows something.

Shop In A Group

Many parents carpool to save time and money on transportation, so why not give that a try for school supplies? Buying a 6-pack of glue and splitting it among six children is a lot cheaper than buying an individual bottle. Find a group of parents in your child’s class and collaborate to find everything on your supply list for cheap!

Skip Snack-Size

Convenience has a cost. Packing lunches at home may seem like an affordable way to feed your child at school, but individually packaged items are not as affordable as they seem. You’ll save much more in the long run if you purchase snacks in bulk and put them in reusable boxes and bags.