A Summer Bash on a Budget

Blog | August 6th, 2012

We all love parties! Everyone loves gathering around with friends and family every now and then, especially in the summer! Nothing is more American than bringing out the grill in the yard for some yummy and juicy barbecues (with potato salad, corn on the cob, watermelon… yum!).

So how do you bring in the crowd, the food and the party without breaking your budget?

A great summer bash with loved ones while remaining frugal may seem a little impossible; especially if you easily get carried away with party supplies, drinks and food! Here are some tips that can help you throw a summer bash without spending too much!

The first thing to do is to let the people know you are throwing party with invitations! To save some money, do an online invitation instead of sending out hard copies. You can upload your invitation to Facebook or send emails!  Forget about post stamps. Today, it’s all about e-invitations!

So you think you need to find a big place for everyone?  The main goal in throwing out a party is socializing, correct? With a small, yet cozy, place, it will be easier for everybody to get to know each other. Space is never really an issue if you know how many are coming and how many are not. This is why asking for RSVPs might be a good idea.

The biggest part of every party and especially a summer bash is the food. For you to save the best way, you can invite everyone for a potluck party. Assign a menu for every household! You can offer to have the potato salad. Some can bring chips, hotdogs and much more! Make sure that you assign everyone a menu. Suzie and Bill can bring grilling meat, while Sarah and Joe bring side dishes.

If you’re throwing a party, you’ll probably want some drinks, right? A bring-your-own-beer system will make it much more affordable. You might decide you want to provide some beverages (maybe make margaritas!), but you don’t need to pay for it all.

If you are looking for the best party trends and designs, a dollar store is your best friend! Dollar Tree and similar stores have different lines of products that you can use for decorations.  Although you can keep your decorations optional, having small decorative things that inspire the party’s theme is very helpful in order to set the mood for the party.

Have some music too! You can hook up your laptop or your iPod with some big speakers and play some of your favorite party music! Also, make sure that the music you play suits the ambiance of the party.

Do you have some more summer frugal party ideas? Share them with us on your comments.