Alternatives to Home Cleaning Supplies

| September 7th, 2012

Alternatives to Home Cleaning Supplies

How often do you buy cleaning supplies?  How much do you spend on them?

Make your next trip to the store to stock on items you can use to make your own cleaning supplies! You will be surprised on how much you are going to save! These homemade cleaning supplies are perfect for your bathroom, kitchen and more!

All the ingredients you need are really simple! You can even buy many of these ingredients with coupons!

The things you need:

Lemon Juice: controls odors with its antibacterial and antiseptic qualities.

Ammonia: perfect for any surfaces; however you cannot use it with bleach.

Hydrogen Peroxide: kills bacteria and mold.

Washing Soda: makes an excellent water softener and freshener.

Salt: suited for cleaning, deodorizing, and polishing too!

Vinegar: one spoon of vinegar can kill mold, bacteria and germs!

Baking Soda: This is a natural cleaning agent that is perfect for deodorizing.

Spray Bottles: this will help you spray liquid solutions. If you already have one at home, then it will do just fine. You will also need these bottles to shake out powder solutions as well.

In the Kitchen

All-Purpose Spray: Perfect for countertops! Mix equal parts vinegar and water, with a few drops of lemon juice.

Oven Cleaning: Mix three parts baking soda, one part salt and one part water; spread it inside the oven and let the solution sit overnight.

Cutting Boards: Clean cutting boards with vinegar and hydrogen peroxide, but do not apply it together; apply it one after the other.

In the Bathroom

Toilet: Pour vinegar straight to the toilet, with baking soda if you’d like!

Bathtub:  Mix baking soda with some salt. Then, add a little vinegar to remove tougher stains! You can also apply a liquid cleaning mix of vinegar and lemon.

Sink or Counter: Mix baking soda with bar soap; add four tablespoons of vinegar, and three to four cups of hot water in a spray bottle.

Overall Cleaning

Drains: Mix vinegar together with baking soda and pour in the drain. Let the bubbles sit; follow with hot water.

Moldy Grout: Mix half a cup of hydrogen peroxide with one cup of water; spray and let sit for one hour.

Deodorizing Carpets: Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda on carpet; let sit for half an hour then vacuum to freshen up the carpet.

Carpet Steam Cleaning: You can double-check your manual, but most will accept four to six ounces of vinegar with hot water in place of the steam cleaning products.  

Cleaning materials eat up a big portion on our grocery list. However, trying out these recommended alternatives will save you a lot!

What do you think? What other things have you found to be helpful in keeping up your house clean? Share your thoughts with us by writing your comments! 

*Price and availability subject to changes by vendor.