Apply to Try FREE Products from Treat Spot!

Freebies | June 15th, 2022


Potential Reward: Full-sized product samples including food and beauty items
How to Redeem: Sign up to be a member on the Treat Spot website, then apply for products to try

The following offer is affiliated content from our partners.

If you love trying new things whether it’s a shiny lip gloss for you or a snack for the kiddos, Treat Spot has something for you.

You can join Treat Spot to try new products for free while also getting amazing deals, fabulous goodies, and more! The website lists new products daily so you can apply to try hundreds of new and innovative items. If you are selected to receive a product you will get an email. There are also coupon codes for each item if you want to try something out on your own.

Don’t miss out! Sign up today to become a Treat Spot member and don’t forget to check the site regularly for new products to apply to try.

Click TAKE ME THERE to find out more!

*Price and availability subject to changes by vendor.