5 Weird Life Hacks That Can Save You Money

Blog | September 10th, 2015

5 Weird Life Hacks That Can Save You Money

During this article, you will learn different tips and
tricks that can save you money! Check it out!

1. Brew Your Own

Many people need coffee to start their day off right! This
is why people make the trip to Starbucks or their local coffee shop to grab a
cup of joe before heading into work.  If
you drink a cup of coffee every morning, you will save hundreds of dollars by brewing it at home.

2.  Use Honey For More Than Your English Muffins

Honey is a pretty delicious treat. However, did you know
that honey can treat burns and kill bacteria? Honey has seven amazing health
benefits. It can alleviate allergies, help with your cough, help you sleep, boost
your memory, treats wounds, and much more! So before you make a trip to the
doctor next time, apply some honey to the wound topically. Honey can help treat
acne, burns, or infections! Save tons of money on prescription drugs by using

3. Paint The Roof Of
Your House… White.

Dark colors absorb heat. Hence, why you should never wear a
black shirt when it is hot outside. This same rule applies to your house.  Darker color roofs absorb more heat thus
heating up the interior of the house as well. If you have a white roof, the
interior of your house will be cooler and you will pay less money on your
energy bills!

4.  Lower The Brightness of Your TV

Did you know that the default setting on most TV monitors is
set to full brightness to make it look bright in the stores? If you lower your TV’s
brightness just slightly (or to whatever level you are comfortable with), you
can reduce the TV’s power consumption up to 40%! Now that is some huge savings!

5.  No need for a dryer, use a clothes line!

Using a clothes line may seem super old school, right? Well
actually many countries around the world still use clothes lines instead of dryers. These people may be onto something! If you stop using your electric dryer,
you can actually save $200 a year! Now that is a good amount of extra cash that
you can use on something fun!