A Baker’s Dozen Ways to Eat Healthy and Still Grow Wealthy

Blog | July 30th, 2013

A Baker’s Dozen Ways to Eat Healthy and Still Grow Wealthy

Money Strategist Camille Gaines helps women create a savvy rich life with powerful mindset shifts, lucrative income streams using their highest skills and smart investing prowess. 

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Everyone knows that eating well is not always cheap. Organic
food just costs more than nonorganic. In general, higher quality food costs

When you are in control of your spending plan, you can
choose that food is a priority area where you’ll allocate extra money when
you’re in a financial place to do that. And if you’re not there right now, then
by being a strategic consumer, you can eat healthy with less money.

Undeniably, eating unhealthy leads to poor wellbeing which
then leads to unproductive and costly days. So, no one can argue that eating
healthy is not important.

What can you do to eat well while staying within your
spending plan for food? Here are a few ideas.

Plan to eat in. One or two meals out a week can cost as much
as the entire grocery bill. Plus, you can eat higher quality food for a
fraction of the cost.

Buy in season. While fresh is always better, some items are
difficult to find fresh during off-season, and end up having to be purchased
frozen anyway. So, buy certain items when they’re abundant and stock your
freezer. Blueberries and peaches are perfect to freeze. They’re also great to
pop into smoothies straight from the freezer year-round.

Cook two chickens on Sunday night and make tortilla soup,
enchiladas, and pasta with the meat during the week.

Buy local. Farmers’ markets are great places to shop since
the transportation time is minimal.

Join a produce co-op, and commit to trying new vegetables.

Go vegetarian at least night one a week. I was amazed at how
inexpensive my groceries were when I was a vegetarian for two years!

Make your own iced tea; green is healthiest.

Eat bananas. They’re packed with vitamins and they’re cheap.
The same is true for sweet potatoes and zucchini squash.

Stuff squash with a sausage filling. Butternut and acorn are
perfect for stuffing due to their shape.

Substitute eggs for meat one night a week with omelets and
huevos rancheros. 

Drink water…it’s free, and healthy.

Sure, eating healthy can take a little more time and effort.
But prioritizing your spending and your time for accomplishments that help you
feel great just makes you happy. And what can beat that?