Enjoy 48% off on the MIU COLOR Environmental Borosilicate Glass Water Bottle!

| April 8th, 2015

Enjoy 48% off on the MIU COLOR Environmental Borosilicate Glass Water Bottle!

This summer, don’t allow yourself to get dehydrated! Get ready to quench your thirst anywhere and anytime with the MIU COLOR Environmental Borosilicate Glass Water Bottle!

This water bottle by MIU COLOR is created with unique and fashionable design to provide style and comfort. And because the bottle is made of ultra clear borosilicate glass, it is environmentally friendly. The bottle comes with colourful nylon sleeve for easy grip and impact protection in case of accidental falls.

With today’s deal, the MIU COLOR Environmental Borosilicate Glass Water Bottle is only $16.99! Valued at $32.99, save 48% today!

*Price and availability subject to changes by vendor.