Forget About Jack – Other Uses for Your Pumpkins

Blog | October 19th, 2012

Forget About Jack – Other Uses for Your Pumpkins

Ready to get creative with your pumpkins? No, we’re not just talking about carving a face into it and lighting a candle. By using these other ideas, you can make more Halloween decorations for less!

These five festive decorating ideas won’t cost you much at all. Besides, pumpkins are in season! Make unique pumpkin decorations and impress your guests!

1. Keep your drinks cold with pumpkin spooky spider coolers.

This is an easy do-it-yourself project. The idea is to simply cut a top off the pumpkin and hollow it.

To create the legs, you can buy copper tubing and a copper tube cutter at a hardware or home improvement store.

Of course you’ll need to make eight legs for your spider! You will need to measure and mark them out before you cut, in order to achieve balance.  If you want to make curved legs for your pumpkin spider, all you need is to bend and poke a hole in the pumpkin and insert.

                  Have your guests coming back for more refreshments with this fancy cooler! It is so easy and fun to use, you will be pleased with the results!

2. Serve your food with another Fun pumpkin idea –pumpkin bowls

Gather up small pumpkins and fill it with dip just when guests come over for your next party!

You will need a platter to place your pumpkin on. Next, cut the pumpkin into half and scoop out the inside. Now you are ready to some onion dip, guacamole, or whatever dip you choose! You can also use one pumpkin bowl for the chips!

3. For a festive Flower arrangements, you can use your Pumpkin as a vase

This is very simple. All you have to do is to hollow out a pumpkin and put a clear glass vase and flowers inside. This is a great centerpiece for any Halloween party!

Flowers are always beautiful and with a beautiful vase, nothing could be fancier! The pumpkin will just add some seasonal charm!

4. Arrange your Pumpkins with all other colorful fruits and get a gorgeous centerpiece

This is a unique way to surprise your guests on a dinner party! You can pair up your pumpkins with other colorful fruits! Now what other fruits can you use? First, you need to check what colors complement each other. Take creative license, mix and match, have fun. Mix smaller, deep orange pumpkins with pomegranates, berries and cherry tomatoes for an eclectic arrangement.

What other festive ideas do you have in mind? What are you planning to do with your pumpkins? Share them with us by writing your comments!