Get Kardashian Beauty Samples!

Freebies | February 20th, 2022


Potential Reward: Kardashian Beauty samples
How to Redeem: Enter your email address and follow the survey funnel to be eligible for samples.

The following offer is affiliated content from our partners

It’s time to give your makeup bag a makeover!

If you want to keep up with Kim, Kylie, and the rest of the Kardashian beauty buffs, this offer can help. Claim a chance to receive samples from one of the hottest names in beauty products – and everything else for that matter. The celebrity sisters have put their signature on everything from hair care to cosmetics.

Even if your name doesn’t start with a K, you can enter your basic information and complete a survey to be eligible for Kardashian Beauty samples.

Click TAKE ME THERE for your chance to qualify! Paid participation is required.

*Price and availability subject to changes by vendor.