How to Set up a Home Gym on a Budget

Blog | January 7th, 2025


How easy it is to find an excuse to avoid working out or getting enough exercise! It does seem like it’s either too hot, too cold, pouring down rain, or snowing and icy. Maybe if we had a proper place and a way to keep our fitness routine indoors, we would find more reasons to move forward toward better health!

You don’t have to spend a fortune to have a workout area in the comfort of home and here are some ways to prove it! Let’s kick those resolutions for the new year in gear and really make it happen!

In with the old that works like new!

Check out slightly used options when it comes to treadmills, stationary exercise bikes, and other workout equipment. Many will purchase top-notch equipment to match their determination which often dwindles, resulting in a great deal for those that mean business! Turn the procrastination of others into progressing fitness for you!

Never resist a deal on fitness!

Resistance bands are a great option to drain masses of adrenaline and can easily be done in small spaces! These bands will help you achieve the same results as weights, using low-impact exercises that put less pressure on your joints and enabling more than 150 different exercises to work any muscle group. You can get a set of five here for less than $9.00!

What about that baby weight?

If you have little ones don’t let them deter your workout! Babies and toddlers could be the perfect tool and motivation to get you in shape! They will think it’s playtime, but for you it will be a wonderful workout with exercises like these that include push-up kisses to cuddle squats!

Home is where the heart gets healthy!

Housework in itself can get you in shape while also creating a cozy space to enjoy when you’re finished! You can also save money on hiring a housekeeper as you burn calories and build muscles with your vacuum cleaner, mop, and stretching to dust. Or you can move outdoors and push a lawn mower in the summer or rake leaves in the fall!

Turn cold weather into a fun fitness burn!

Thinking outside the box…or house…you could step outside and get involved in winter sports like skiing, snowshoeing, or even shoveling your driveway!

TV and cell phones aren’t just for couch potato-ing!

YouTube yoga and exercise videos are an inexpensive and often free way to work your way to a healthier body. Little space is needed for the workout and you can use anything from your big screen TV to your phone for instructions as well as following along.

Hands-on activities can melt the pounds!

Using handheld weights or medicine balls can help you focus and target on problem areas while working out in small areas. You can even use household items like full water bottles, eight-pack soft drink boxes, and a multitude of other items to save money while packing a punch on fitness.

Jump into easy cardio!

Childhood fun and games can turn into grown-up health benefits! Jumping rope is one of the best ways to get a great cardio workout and it’s the only equipment you’ll need. This simple “once upon a time toy” is a full-body workout for your arms, shoulders, core, and legs while getting your heart rate up fast!

When there is no room, there’s a wall!

If you don’t have an inch of space to spare, put your walls to work in your favor! You can do push-ups to leg lunges that tone your core and lower body. Make this unused space a surface that will serve you well!

Create the atmosphere!

Intentions are good and start off with a bang but often get monotonous. Keep your workout space inviting with candles, cold water, clean towels, and music. If you have an old dresser, remove the drawers and insert rolled towels and other items to make your workout area an enjoyable one to look at and look forward to!

Related: How to Save $50 or More By Making Your Own Household Cleaners!