My Bread is Going Stale! Help!

Blog | April 30th, 2012

In a past edition of our blog, we gave you tips on how to save on leftover foods. Indeed, some foods taste better on the second day. Leftovers can be one of the best ways to save money when you know the proper techniques to utilize them. All you have to do is learn some frugal ways to save foods from being thrown out in the garbage.

Bread is one of the most important foods for Americans. Do you have to throw it away when it’s stale? The answer is No! There are a lot of different ways that you can make it more tasty and appealing. Here are some twists you can do for your bread that will save you from spending a lot of money.

Bread and Tomato Salad

If your bread is about two days old, the best thing you can do is to make a fine bread and tomato salad. This is very easy to do. All you have to do is tear the bread into bite-sized pieces, add some tomato, vegetables, seasoning and flavoring that would make it especially delicious. This is a very nice salad that your kids would love. Plus, think of the health benefits that it could bring to your kids. They would love this salad as a weekend treat!

Parmesan-crumbed Cutlets

If you want to make a super delicious snack for your kids picnic, Parmesan-crumble cutlets could be the best snack to bring. This also can be a good snack that they would love to share with friends. You can find the step-by-step procedure on the internet. It’s really easy to make. Ask your kids to help you when making this snack. This could be a great way to bond with your kids. Surely, they would love this tasty snack!

Pasta with Chili Crumbs

If you love pasta, this is a great option for you. You can make your pasta more delicious by adding chili crumbs to your leftover bread. You can serve this to your friends and family on special occasions. Surprise your neighbors with this new innovation to your pasta. Try to be more creative and add more tricks to make it more special. You can do anything you like! All you have to do is use your imagination and you’ll be surprised what might come out.

Bread-and-butter Pudding

Pudding is the most common thing that people do with their stale bread. This could be a great way to make it appealing to your kids. Aside from being a great snack, you can also do this as additional income by selling homemade bread pudding in your neighborhood. You can also try for other pie recipes like bread-and-butter pudding.  With the benefits it brings, it’s like hitting two birds with one stone. Always think positive!

You can save and earn more money by not throwing your stale bread. Do you have good tips to make your stale bread more useful? Tell us by leaving comments below.