Save 40% on a Portable Insulin Case!

Deals | July 12th, 2021


Guard the gold!

If you’re a diabetic or know one, then you are aware that insulin is worth its weight in gold. Not only is it astronomically expensive, but it also keeps diabetics alive. Keep it safe and convenient in a portable, easy to transport case. Medicool’s diabetic cases make sure your temperature-sensitive medications stay cool, safe, and organized. This must-have case is made of lightweight aluminum with a fitted insert to hold two vials of insulin, two syringes, and alcohol swab pads.

Never take a chance with your detrimental medication! The Medicool Diabetic Insulin Case is now $12.57, down from $21.00, a savings of $8.43!

Click TAKE ME THERE to save money and your medications! 

*Price and availability subject to changes by vendor.