Test and Keep a Skydio 2+ Drone!

Freebies | June 14th, 2022


Potential Reward: A Skydio 2+ Drone
How to Redeem: Enter your email and follow the survey funnel for a chance to be selected as a product tester for this reward.

The following offer is affiliated content from our partners.

Drone technology has grown and improved in recent years and Skydio’s latest is here to show it all off.

The Skydio 2+ Drone captures awe-inspiring perspectives in high-quality images and videos. Whether you are a hobbyist who wants to document your next vacation in epic fashion or a filmmaker who needs to get all the best angles of a car chase, this gadget will suit your needs. You can fly the Skydio 2+ using a manual setting or “autonomous” in which the device will track a subject or fly to a location on its own while filming.

Product Testers are wanted for a Skydio 2+ Drone! No purchase is necessary, all you have to do is enter your information and complete a consumer survey funnel for a chance to be selected as a product tester to try out the items, review, and keep this reward.

Click TAKE ME THERE to explore this offer.

*Price and availability subject to changes by vendor.