ATTENTION Cat Owners! Here’s How to Stay Productive with Your Feline Friend Around!


Here at Get It Free, we love cats. And that's no exaggeration. We are truly, madly, deeply obsessed with them, and if the staggering amount of cat videos we've shared isn't proof enough that we've got a bit of a feline addiction, well, then we're here to unequivocally declare our love for kitties. However, as much fun as cats can be, they can be serious distractions from serious business, like work or school or simple mobility (I'm talking to you, my cousin's cat who likes to sit on people's faces). The folks over at Cole and Marmalade know the feeling of being flustered by your feline companions, and they've shared with us a helpful video about how to work when you've got these cuddly cuties around.

Watch the adorable video below for a few tips on working around your cat, and don't forget to SHARE with the cat enthusiasts on your Facebook feed!

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