Even at 100 lbs, She’s The Strongest Woman I Have EVER Witnessed! Watch Her Make HISTORY!


When Shakespeare wrote in a Midsummer's Night Dream, "And though she be but little, she is fierce!" he must have been having a premonition dream of Kacy Catanzaro, the first women to ever complete a semifinals course in American Ninja Warrior. At only 5 feet tall and weighing only 100 lbs, she is by far the strongest, most competitive, and fiercest woman athlete I have ever witnessed! 

Kacy was born and raised in New Jersey, where she spent her childhood bouncing off walls and climbing most anything she could get her hands on. The best thing her parents could have done was put her energy to good use and enroll her in gymnastics at the age of three. The rest was history! 

With 18 years of competitive gymnastics under her belt and a heart full of drive, Kacy moved to San Antonio, Texas to take her career to the next level. Boy is that working out for her! 

Watch as she makes American Ninja Warrior history by astonishingly completing one of the most arduous obstacle running courses there are! 

Nope, that isn't a dream. That's a tiny, young woman with strength and stamina that will blow you away!

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