It’s Called The Unstainable White Shirt, and It’s the Next Big Thing


Imagine this scenario: you've got a job interview or important work meeting in 1 hour. You've got the perfect outfit picked out: a crisp white shirt that goes so well with your smart pants. As you run out the door with your cup of coffee, the inevitable disaster happens. A drop of coffee lands on your brilliant white shirt and you have absolutely no time to change. It's like the forces of nature just refuse to let a white shirt go by unstained. Or you're extra klutzy when you're wearing a white shirt. Who knows? But let's blame nature for now.

Well, thanks to revolutionary technology and a pair of clever gals, you may never have to worry about staining a white shirt again! We give you, The Unstainable White Shirt! Ketchup, mayonnaise, cranberry name it, it won't stain it! Watch the video below to see for yourself!

The Unstainable White Shirt is a Kickstarter project. If you'd like to support it, head over to their page to find out more about how to get your hands on one!

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