She Waited 100 Days to See Her Fiancé But She Wasn’t Expecting THIS When He Got Off the Plane!


Emma couldn’t have been more excited to see her fiancé, Jon,
again. She had waited 100 long days to see him and was anxiously awaiting his
arrival at the airport.

He was away at basic training camp for the Air Force and
while he was away Jon asked Emma to marry him. Since they weren’t together at
the time he had to ask her over the phone and couldn’t give her a proper
proposal. Until the day he returned home.

Emma had a friend who worked for Delta so she was able to
get a gateway pass. With the pass she was able to get through security and meet
Jon at the gate. As she was waiting for him each passenger getting off the plane
handed her a single rose.

Jon was the last one to get off the plane, holding a
beautiful bouquet of roses. He was finally able to get down on one knee and
give her a proper proposal in person! So sweet!

Please watch this heartwarming proposal and SHARE with your friends!

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