This Selfless Teacher Donated her Kidney to her Father. In Return, She Received Something VERY Special!


First grade teacher, Amanda Eaton, is certainly one to go above and beyond her call of duty! Loved by her coworkers, students and their parents; Amanda humbly just hopes to be the perfect role-model for her students - and I'm pretty sure she's on the right track for doing just so!  

Proving the lengths she will go to help others out, Amanda gave up her own kidney to save her father's life. With selfless acts like this, her students decided it was time to give their amazing teacher something in return! 

After getting in touch with Ellen DeGeneres (Amanda's idol!), Amanda's students and Ellen secretly arranged to bring her onto the show! 

Sincerely grateful to be there, Amanda joyously makes her way to the stage. But, knowing Ellen - we all knew we could expect a few surprises! 

Watch what happens next to this beloved teacher and SHARE with your friends and family! 

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