This Weatherman Thought It Would Be a Good Idea To Bring a Dog On-Air With Him. But All Doesn’t Go As Planned…


Mike Sobel had been a weatherman in Edmonton, Canada for well over 20 years and decided he was ready for a challenge in the workplace. But this experienced weatherman had no idea what exactly he was getting himself into when he brought an oversized, playful mastiff mix on air to assist him with the weather report. 

Ripple, an 18-month-old dog who was visiting from the Edmonton Humaine Society, was beyond excited to be live on air. Turns out, this energetic pup was far more interested in playing tug-o-war and jumping on Mike that it was nearly impossible for the weather to be addressed. 

Watch this playful dog make everyone's morning by eating straight through the leash that was remotely keeping him calm. It's hilarious! 

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