What Do YOU Find Beautiful?


Esther Honig sent a photograph of herself to Photoshop
experts and amateurs around the world telling them to make her “beautiful.” The
results were an incredible look at how beauty is perceived across the globe.  According to Honig, “Photoshop allows us to
achieve our unobtainable standards of beauty, but when we compare those
standards on a global scale, achieving the ideal remains all the more elusive.”

When it comes to inner beauty, 60% of people said it counted
most. Yet, 91% of women confessed they would rather cancel a first date than go
without wearing makeup. Even though the standards of beauty are different in
other countries and cultures, women everywhere take their beauty very
seriously! What do you think you focus on more, your inner or outer beauty?

What do you find beautiful? SHARE on Facebook and spread the beauty!   

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