WOW, This Video Shares Such a Powerful Message!


I was incredibly moved by this video showing the power that words can have. 

It starts out with a blind, homeless man sitting on a street corner, begging for spare change. He sits next to a sign that reads, "I'm Blind, Please Help."

I cringe as I watch people walk past him, some carelessly throwing a few coins at his feet.  But then, one woman walks by and notices the man's sign. She kneels down and scribbles something on the back, and walks away.

Afterwards, people begin throwing ample change into the man's bowl. When this secret woman approaches the man again, he asks her, "what did you do to my sign?" 

Her response is one I can't forget. "I wrote the same...but in different words." 

Not only is this video a brilliant reminder of the power that words can have, but also a wake up call to appreciate the beautiful world around us - because not everyone can. 

Please SHARE this wonderful message. 

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