What To Buy At The Farmers Market

Blog | August 25th, 2021

Summer takes me back to my grandfather’s farm, farmers’ markets, and produce stands popping up in unexpected places. Everything fresh is at its peak! There’s nothing like a car ride with the scent of ripe melons, plump berries, fresh corn on the cob, and other delicacies of summer encased in your journey home. We hear of Autumn’s bounty but in reality, every season flourishes with flavors uniquely theirs. Summer’s baskets are brimming full!

A trip down memory lane or even a new adventure may take you to a local farmers market where the hard-working hosts of each area or pavilion will proudly offer you a free sampling! You’ll know what you’re purchasing in advance, ensuring you bring home the most flavorful and fresh produce to be found while spending wisely with no waste. Take your time, browse and taste before you make your decisions. You’ll have a sure bet of taking home the best of the best!

Last Call and Peak Produce

While we’re on the savings wagon, check with your local grocery produce and store managers to get the scoop on specials. Many markets have carts full of massive markdowns on fresh produce that’s still good but past its peak. Early morning right after the store opens is a wise time to check! Be first in line for the best pickings! There may be a daily special or a certain day for marked-down deals. Just ask, it could save you countless trips of coming home empty.

Big names are fine but shopping local will remove the middle man, putting full payment directly in the pocket of the laborer. Shoppers will take home the cream of the crop, fresh from the garden, full of flavor and seasons best at a huge savings!

Local Delicacies and Seasonal Crops

Checking your area through social media will keep you aware of events, festivals, and hidden gems that are loaded with the best in local delicacies. Many areas have farms where you can grab a bucket and do your own picking of seasonal crops. The work is fun and doing it yourself gives you the chance to literally handpick your purchase, resulting in only the best. Plus, a discount is part of the fruits of your labor over buying the pre-picked version. Make it a traditional outing. Kids will love the adventure and will be more excited and quick to eat fruits and veggies they gathered themselves!

Related: Watch: Viral TikTok Nature’s Cereal Recipe!

Fresh Picked Fruits and Vegetables

Summer is loaded with an abundance of crops. The most popular being blackberries, cherries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, cantaloupe, watermelon, honeydew, peaches, mango, avocados, green beans, corn, okra. peppers, tomatoes, and zucchini. Of course, there are many more. These are only the tip of the tasty warm weather iceberg!

As we finally gather once again with family and friends around the picnic table, fire pit, grill, and old-fashioned supper table, dig deep into the taste of summer! Don’t miss out on a flavorful sliced tomato sandwich on soft bread with mayonnaise, salt, and pepper. Or a veggie plate combo of fresh creamed corn topped with chopped mild peppers, fried okra, green beans, and a homemade blackberry cobbler. Or keep it simple by the pool with fresh dips such as guacamole and salsa from garden-fresh veggies. Finish off any day with a freezer of homemade peach or strawberry ice cream! The awesome thing about food from the farm is most can be canned or frozen for a feast to enjoy any time of year! With a little thinking and planning ahead, you’ll be all set with homegrown goodies that will take you back to warm summer breezes on those inevitable cold winter nights!

No matter how you slice it, summer is brimming with the height of flavor and freshness, especially in the homegrown goodness of farmer’s market favorites! Be sure you don’t miss out!

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