5 Side Jobs On The Rise In 2019

Blog | February 13th, 2019

Have some downtime that could be put to better use? Or maybe your primary job isn’t pulling in enough dough. Whatever the case may be, here are five side jobs on the rise in 2019 that you can consider to make some extra cash.

Online Tutoring

If you have a college degree, you may be specialized enough in an academic area to help tutor children. There are sites like Chegg and that connect you with students who you can tutor from the comfort of your home.

Also, consider tutoring ESL students online as well. VIPKID is an online tutoring service that has grown immensely over the past couple of years that connects native English speakers with children studying English in other countries (mainly China).

Online Services And Freelancing

If you’re not into teaching, there are platforms where you can provide a wide variety of expertise online. Fiverr is a big one that offers an opportunity to people with all different skill sets. Simply set up a profile and offer a service, like writing something, or singing something, or editing a video for someone. The sky is pretty much the limit.

Sites like UpWork offer more professional and potentially in-depth gigs with clients. You can search for various contract jobs in writing, marketing, tech, and more, and submit a proposal for one that piques your interest.

Related Story: 10 Ways to Make Money Without Getting Out of Bed


At this point, Lyft and Uber have been around for a while, but their business is still booming. If you’re in the right place (a big city) and drive at the right times (rush hours, nights, weekends), then you’ll make some good supplemental income while putting your car to use.

Ridesharing continues to be a more and more popular way of transportation for people. For drivers, it’s a great way to get to know your area even more and meet some interesting people along the way.


TaskRabbit has been growing exponentially, to the point where they’re now partnered with Ikea to offer services helping people assemble furniture. This is a great opportunity for those who like to do hands-on, varied work and are ok with odd jobs. Of course, you select which services you provide. The beauty of this platform is it has a much higher earnings ceiling than ridesharing apps while offering similar flexibility.

Child And Pet Care

Not to say that the two are the same, but the two areas are on the rise in terms of how you can earn extra cash on the side. If you’re interested in checking out babysitter or nanny jobs, take a browse on They post local, verified opportunities in your area and do a great job making sure everything is done safely. It’s also worth noting that you can find other caregiving jobs on their platform as well, like senior care, pet care, and even tutoring.

For pets, there are two main platforms for dog walking and pet sitting: Rover and Wag. Both offer great flexibility and opportunity to hang with cute, fluffy pets in your free time. More and more people are becoming pet owners, so these businesses continue to be on the rise.