We’ve All Experienced ‘That Person’ – Would You Have Done The Same?


We’ve all been there before. You’re sitting in a quiet
place, minding your own business when all of a sudden someone pulls out their
cell phone and starts chatting away.

There are some people who walk away to a more private area
to talk – and then there are some people who go about their call as if they’re
the only person in the room! I think it’s safe to say that we’ve all
experienced ‘that person’ who just doesn’t realize or care that there are other
people around them! It can be quite frustrating!

This hilarious commercial addresses this common issue of a
rude cell phone talker. Four women are quietly sitting in a waiting room when
one woman answers her phone and starts talking and laughing loudly.

You’ll crack up when you see what another woman does! I wish
I could do this! Have you ever experienced something like this? Would you have
done the same as the woman in this commercial? Please watch and then SHARE this friendly message!

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